
Sunday 24 March 2019

A Boat named Hope

Hello lovely peeps

Did you catch Nick's Craftascope shows on Hochanda on Friday? I loved the demos and thought the samples from everyone looked great on the telly.  How chuffed was I when Nick showed my cowboy card in the first show and then my boat in the second show 😊

I made one of these boats a few years ago and as soon as I saw the dolphin stamps I thought they would go perfectly. The bottom of the boat is formed by a large circle of card folded in half. I taped a stick from the garden onto the front of the card after bashing the end a little bit with the handles of my scissors

To stabilise the card so it would stand up I cut a thin slice from the back of the card

After tying my sails to the card base and the stick with white cotton twine I covered the front of the card with old cardboard packaging, cut with the same circle die as the base.

Now, to decorate the boat. I used the 'Hope' stamp from Nick's dolphin stamp set to make the name plaque. The letters were coloured in with a brown pen onto a snippet of white card, then I covered it all in glossy accents and left to dry. I used some matching mini 'bronze' brads to attach it to the card base.

To give the dolphins a bit of subtle texture I stamped them onto patterned card before colouring in with Copic markers. I used a white gel pen on the eyes.

Although the shells were bought from a craft shop many moons ago, I feel guilty for having them as they should really be on a beach somewhere being broken down by the waves to make more sand.  I can only bring myself to use them for very special projects and in this case I think they really do add something to the card.

I would like to enter this in the following challenges:-
 Simon Says Stamp (Mon) Miniature/Tiny things (shells, anchor)
Incy Wincy Designs - For the men/boys
A Vintage Journey - Celebrate the journey
 The Crafty Addicts #58 Option embellish it

Thanks for stopping by,
Katrina x


  1. I really do love your boat Katrina. Such a clever and different way to use the stamps. Nicola x

  2. Loving this what a fabulous Design idea and very worthy of a TV appearance its just great Love and hugs Carole x

  3. Wow this is a fabulous piece, I am truly blown away by your talent! So glad you are with Nick's DT. You should enter this it will definitely be a winner! Looking forward to more of your designs! Love our blog!

  4. Congrats on your TV exposure, well done. This is super with wonderful bits like the stick, shells and corrugated card. So glad you shared our Men/Boys challenge at Incy Wincy, CarolG

  5. This is fabulous Katrina, very clever use of those products

    Anne x

  6. Wow! what a wonderful boat you created with it's tall white sails, the seashells, rolling ocean and wonderful swimming dolphins! Thanks so much for joining us in the A Vintage Journey Birthday celebration! xx


I would love it you leave me a message, it really makes my day.
Katrina xx