
Thursday 17 May 2018

New LOTV Watercolour images and Blog Hop winner

Hello lovely peeps

Firstly, the prize for the Lili of the Valley birthday blog hop on Tuesday was hidden on Debbie's post and was won by Hazel (Didos). Thank you to everyone who left me a comment on Tuesday, it was lovely to have you visit.

Today's card features one of the gorgeous new watercolour images that are now available at Lili of the Valley. There is a wide range of different images so there is something for everyone. You have a choice of having the traditional Simply Prints (where you get a certain number per A4 page to print off) OR you can have single images which you can resize/flip etc. to suit your project.

I've used the single version of 'Sweet Street' for my first card, which I pulled into CraftArtist.
I arranged it on a 6"x6" white square with one of the Spring Sentiments and a strip of paper from a Louise Mulgrew digikit called Furry Friends.

After printing off and glueing onto a card blank I added some Nuvo Drops/Enamel Dots.

I would like to enter this in the following challenges:-
Cards In Envy one layer

Thanks for stopping by,
Katrina x


  1. Beautiful and colourful card Katrina. It's lovely. Love Dawn x

  2. Fantastic new home card, love the colours on the houses and the sentiment

  3. Lovely cas card just oerfect for this sweet image


I would love it you leave me a message, it really makes my day.
Katrina xx