
Sunday 8 June 2014

Club theme for the 12th

Hi Peeps, just a quick one today, my hands are playing up.
We'll be making cards based on sketches at club next Thursday.
This one is based on Sketch 15 from Lili of the Valley which I am entering into their Male or Sporty challenge for June.
I grabbed the Fishing boy from my stash of images that I'd already coloured in, so I just needed to find papers and buttons to match. The base card (7"x7") is covered with a Craft Artist/Daisytrail paper then I taped down a width of raffia ribbon on top. I distressed the edges of the diamond paper with Pumice Stone Distress Ink and coloured in the feathers with promarkers.
 Handily the fish charm had a hole in the back to thread the feathers and string through so I was able to tie it on instead of glueing it (I wasn't sure glue would be strong enough).
I'll try and make some more cards up before Thursday (hands permitting).
Ta ra for now, hope you're enjoying your Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful card Katrina, I love the soft colours and the feathers for the fishing fly are great!

    Thanks for joining our Lili of the Valley June Challenge!

    Good Luck!


    Erica x


I would love it you leave me a message, it really makes my day.
Katrina xx